Meeting fields

Your company has two buildings, called Alice and Betty. Why? Nobody remembers, but that’s what they are. There are four meeting rooms in Alice, and six in Betty. Each room has a number, like 112, or 208.

You want to build an IS to let people reserve meeting rooms. They’ll have a form they fill in, choosing the building, the room, etc.

You create a Meeting content type, and some fields:

  • Building
  • Room
  • When starts
  • When ends
  • Meeting name
  • Contact human
  • Contact email
  • Contact telephone

What field type should each field be? Be specific. Not just Text, what type of text field? Not just Number, what type of number?

Make a page with the answer on contenttypes, or another of your Web sites. Add a table like this:

Field Type

The format doesn’t have to match exactly.

Submit the URL of your page.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

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