MIS Gang

The MIS Gang is all that, baby! Check out the MIS Gang website at https://misgang.kieranmathieson.com/.

Some pages are public, like the home page, the gang sign, and the two contact forms: one for joining, the other for everything else. The rest of the site is only for MG members. Like salliemae, jillybob, and billyjoe. You can log in as any of them. Their passwords are the same as their user names. Try one.

What can members do? They have a control panel they can use.


(You don’t have to include the search field, if you don’t want.)

The Help link shows a page on using the site.

The Members link shows a list of members. There are two ways to do this. One way is to NOT create a view. Give the members to the user admin age, like this:


Check out the Status and Role fields in the filter. They’re already set to Active and Member. So, clicking on the Members link in the CP shows active members only.

Hint: use the filters yourself. How does Drupal know what filters you want? Hint hint: look at the top of the window.

Click on a username to see that user’s deets. From there, users can send each other private messages.

The other way is to make a view of the users.

Gang members can add job openings. Clicking on Jobs in the CP shows a screen like this:


The CP Jobs link applies two filters, as you can see.

Members can see any job listing, but they can edit only job listings they’ve created. Here’s a job listing that’s not editable. It was created by billyjoe, but salliemae is logged in.


Company and Tags are vocabularies. Clicking on one shows you all of the jobs with those tags.

Here’s an editable job (created by salliemae, and salliemae is logged in):

Editable job

Here’s the job being edited. (The image is zoomed out so it will fit on this site.)


Create a website like this for your own gang. Make it look and work like the sample site.

  • Make a job content type, with appropriate fields. Look at the screen shots and sample site, and make the same fields, with the same data types, and other attributes. Log in to the sample site, and edit and create jobs. Make sure your site acts the same.
  • Check label positions.
  • Check date formats. A useful custom date format is: M j, Y. You can add a custom format under Configuration|Region and language.
  • Set up user roles and permissions appropriately.
  • Set up a control panel that works the same way.
  • Give members the ability to send messages to other members, with a contact form.
  • Add a membership request form, like the sample site.
  • Add a general contact form as well.
  • Include a photo of your gang sign.
  • Add a home page, and an about us page.
  • Install pathauto, and set good URL patterns for the job and basic page content types.
  • Hide unneeded blocks. Check the sample site to work out what blocks should show for anonymous users, and members.
  • Include a footer with your name(s).

Upload the URL with your solution. Include a member username/password, and the same for user 1.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

Referenced in: