Research personal branding Web sites

There’s lots of advice on personal branding Web sites. Find some on the Web, and summarize what you learn.

There are three parts to this exercise.

Part I

Find at least two online articles (more if you want) on what businesses are looking for when they hire people in your field. For example, if you’ll be graduating with a marketing degree, find articles on what businesses want from new marketing grads.

Find at least two online articles (more if you want) on personal branding Web sites.

On your eMe site, create one page for each article, with:

  • The title of the article
  • Its URL
  • A summary of the article, in your own words. Whatever length you think it needs to be to capture the article’s meaning.

Here is what you will have, one page per article:

Page per article

If you have more than four, that’s fine.

Part II

Create one more page that has links to all of the pages you created. Summarize the key lessons from the articles.

Summary page

Submit the URL of that page.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)