Requirements (again)
People who want to adopt a dog
- What dogs are available?
- Can I visit the dogs?
- What does it cost to adopt a dog?
- Will I be allowed to adopt a dog?
People with a dog that needs to be adopted
- Can I leave my dog with Adopt-a-Dog?
- Will Adopt-a-Dog look after my dog?
- Will my dog have a good home?
People looking for training, or veterinary services
- What services are available?
- What do they cost?
- When and where can I get services?
People who want to donate money
- How will my money be used?
- How do I donate?
- Are donations tax deductible?
Potential volunteers
- What jobs are available?
- What hours would I work?
- Is there training?
Adopt-a-Dog management
- How is content on the site updated?
- How much time will it take to keep the site updated?
- Where will the site be hosted?
- What will hosting cost?
Making a page hierarchy
So, what should we do?

- Adoption
- Giving up your dog
- Services
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
Good teamwork. Adela made the list, but gave some credit to Ray.

Good teamwork. Adela compliments Georgina on noticing something she hadn’t.

- …
- Giving up your dog
- Services
- Training
- Veterinary
- …
We could bring training and veterinary up to the top level, and get rid of Services:
- …
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- … Look at the menu, and you know what services Adopt-a-Dog offers, without having to drill down through the Services link.
Good teamwork. Ray suggests a change to Adela’s list. By asking Adela about the change, he recognizes her contribution.

People often resist changes to “their” ideas, interpreting suggestions as criticisms. Adela doesn’t fall into that trap.

- Adoption
- Giving up your dog
- Services
- Donating
- Volunteering
Now we would have six:
- Adoption
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering

Sometimes you use more links. Here’s a menu from Amazon:

- Adoption
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
Good teamwork. Adela summarizes what’s been decided, but gives other people a chance to speak.

Sites have an About Us, too. Like WebHostFace.

About Us could also talk about how Adopt-a-Dog was created, things like that.
So here’s the list:
- Adoption
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
- About us
- Contact

But you’re not done yet. You’ve got a list of the top level pages. Are there pages under those? Remember the WebHostFace model:

Tasks that look big sometimes aren’t, if you break them into pieces.

People who want to adopt a dog
- What dogs are available?
- Can I visit the dogs?
- What does it cost to adopt a dog?
- Will I be allowed to adopt a dog?
If there are a lot of dogs, that would be a really big page. Especially if there are photos. How about we break that out into a separate page? That would give us:
- Adoption
- What dogs are available?
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
- About us
- Contact

- Adoption
- What dogs are available?
- What does it cost to adopt a dog?
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
- About us
- Contact
Everyone OK with the adoption part?
(Nods all around.)Good teamwork. Check before finalizing a decision.

People with a dog that needs to be adopted
- Can I leave my dog with Adopt-a-Dog?
- Will Adopt-a-Dog look after my dog?
- Will my dog have a good home?
Oo, idea! “Will Adopt-a-Dog look after my dog?” is about the kennels and feeding and stuff. That could be under About Us, with a link to it. “Will my dog have a good home?” could link to the page we just did, about adoption.
- Adoption
- What dogs are available?
- What does it cost to adopt a dog?
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
- About us
- The kennel
- Contact
I’ll make a note about the “Giving up your dog” page:
Giving up your dog
Process for surrendering your dog. Link to kennels. Link to adoption.
The model
Here’s what they came up with.
- Adoption
- What dogs are available?
- Will I be able to adopt?
- What does it cost to adopt a dog?
- Giving up your dog
- Training
- Beginner obedience training
- Intermediate obedience training
- Advanced obedience training
- Veterinary
- Donating
- Volunteering
- About us
- Location
- The kennel
- Contact
Page notes
They made some more notes.
Giving up your dog
Process for surrendering your dog. Link to kennels. Link to adoption.
Subpages for each of the classes. They are linked from the training page. Also links to the location page on the training page. Could there be a signup for classes?
List of positions they’re looking to fill. Could there be a form for this? People could say what position they’re interested in.
About Us
Mission, funding, execs. Separate pages for location and the kennel.
Address, map, directions.
Linked from several other pages. The most important part of their facility?
Address, phone, and email, as well as a contact form.
That’s the page hierarchy model for Adopt-a-Dog.
The team made a page hierarchy model, based on requirements. The model has two parts:
- Page list
- Page notes
What now?
We need one more model: look-and-feel.