
Install the theme and set the blocks


After installing D8, the team installed the theme. Before making content types, or anything else.

Why do that so early? Because the theme changes the site, including block locations. Install the theme later, and you might have to change some of the work you already did.

The team used the NewsPlus Lite theme. You learned how to install a theme earlier.

The theme has a few settings. First, the logo. The sample solution uses the regular Drupal logo.


Communications control panel


Create a role called communication manager, with permission to administer contact forms. Create a Communication control panel, like this:


(You’ll need to figure out the URL for the link.)

Make the menu show only for users with the communication manager or administrator roles. Create a user with the communication manager role.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)

Make a block


Make a block that shows only on the home page, and only for administrators.

(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)


Menus are sets of links

A menu is a set of links to pages. You can have a bunch of menus, each with its own links. You can put menus in different places on the page.

Each link has some text, and a destination URL.