Slothy comments
Let people make comments about sloths.
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Let people make comments about sloths.
(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)
On your gamerz
site, set the permissions for the person, project, and event content types.
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Set permissions for the content types we created.
We know something about the pages, content types, and views we need. We should review them, and decide who should get access to what.
Here are the pages again:
For managers:
All of the pages are public, except for the last three. Looks like we’ll need a role for the org’s managers. That would be the president, secretary, and treasurer.
It’s a good idea to create roles early. Then you can use them when you make content types and such.
The team created a security model. It defined a new role, and listed who had access to what pages, content types, and views.
Org managers (president, secretary, and treasurer) have special access. They can see all member data, unpublish members who haven’t paid their dues, etc. That’s the only special role we need.
To add it, People | Roles | Add role.
Create a control panel to help managers do their work.
Create a role called communication manager, with permission to administer contact forms. Create a Communication control panel, like this:
(You’ll need to figure out the URL for the link.)
Make the menu show only for users with the communication manager or administrator roles. Create a user with the communication manager role.
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Make a role allowed to work on basic pages.
(If you were logged in as a student, you could submit an exercise solution, and get some feedback.)
A menu is a set of links to pages. You can have a bunch of menus, each with its own links. You can put menus in different places on the page.
Each link has some text, and a destination URL.