
Here are the exercises on this site.

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Exercise Summary Referenced in
Make a martian content type Make a content type for martians. Martians
Make a page Make a page on your Drupal 8 site. Make a page
Make a role Make a role allowed to work on basic pages. Roles and permissions
Make a sloth content type Make a content type for sloths. Martians
Make another page Make another page about animals. Add videos to a page
Make some reference fields Make fields in one content type that reference nodes in another content type. References
Meeting fields What fields types would your use for a content type about meetings? Fields and data types
MIS Gang Projects
Oakland Zoomers Create a site for a unicycle polo team, letting players maintain their own Web pages.
Person content type Make a content type for books. More practice: content types
Requirements for Lothar's library Who are the stakeholders for Lothar's cow book library? What are their requirements?
Research personal branding Web sites There's lots of advice on personal branding Web sites. Find some on the Web, and summarize what you learn.
Sloths' BFFs Create a view showing sloths and their BFFs. Views
Slothy comments Let people make comments about sloths. Comments
Stakeholders for Crack Plumbing's Web site Crack Plumbing wants a Web site. Who are the stakeholders? What requirements might they have? Requirements
Two more Drupals Install two more Drupals for this part of the course. Case 2a: Student org
University site Make a site for a university, modeling degrees, departments, and courses. Case 3b: Your turn
Use a new theme Install the Bootstrap theme. Themes
View of names and birth dates On your scratch site, make a view that shows a table of names and birth dates. Views
What do Crack's customers want? What do Crack Plumbing's customers want from Crack's Web site? Requirements